Yabe Movebender is a plugin that enhances the Breakdance editor with functionalities not available in the core plugin to make your workflow more efficient.
Yabe Movebender is packed with modules designed to streamline your workflow.
✅ Plain classes
Add the ability to write plain CSS classes to Breakdance elements without adding the class to the Global Selector database.
– Auto-complete: Intelligent suggestions for Tailwind CSS class names.
– Quick class preview: Preview CSS classes in the Breakdance editor by hovering/navigating without adding.
✅ HTML to Breakdance element (Planned)
Convert HTML to Breakdance elements. Easily convert Tailwind CSS components to Breakdance elements.
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- Image by Victoruler on Flaticon
Other CSS Frameworks?
Yes, you can. Check this guide: https://github.com/orgrosua/yabe-movebender/discussions/1
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